We, Sabrina and Jonas Rotzler, emigrated with our children from the Basel region in Switzerland to beautiful Skålsjön in Hälsingland, Sweden in June 2022. We love nature and enjoy living in harmony with it. Sustainability is very important to us, because our descendants will only be able to live if we live sustainably. For us, the rather simple and somewhat quieter country life in the Finnish forest between Bollnäs and Falun in central Sweden is the fulfillment of a dream. By taking over the holiday resort Skålsjögården, we have realized our dream of independence. We are happy to welcome guests and share our privilege of living in this beautiful place with them.

Emigration has many facets and backgrounds, some of which we would like to briefly discuss. First of all, it is very important for us to note that we still consider Switzerland to be one of the best places to live. The reason why we left Switzerland is more because we are not afraid to leave our comfort zone and hoped to find something in Sweden that is no longer available in Switzerland - real freedom! Our idea of ​​real freedom is to do what you want (without affecting others), without being bothered or bothered by anyone else. Due to the very low population density in the Swedish hinterland, you can actually find the ultimate freedom here.